K-Pop Kraze is a documentary which follows the story of an extreme K-Pop fan who's giving up her obsession with 1 final project, in hopes of reconciling with her parents.

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Hajar is a 19 year old female who is really passionate about supporting a Korean Pop group, Teen Top. Although K-Pop brought much joy in her life, her passion for it also made her estrange from what's important to her - family.


K-Pop Kraze is not just another documentary. We go beyond the life of a K-Pop fan whose life has been affected because of her liking for her it. We explore the themes of the costs of being a fan, finding one's identity and of course, love and reconciliation.


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Update:Sasaeng fans - the scariest kind of fans.
written on Friday 8 February 2013 @ 20:48 ∞ 0 candies

Have you ever booked a taxi to follow your favorite star around all day? Have you ever thrown yourself in front of a celebrity’s car just so that you would have some sort of an interaction with them? Have you ever written a fan mail with your period blood?

If you responded yes to any of these, you are what the Koreans call a ‘sasaeng’ fan.

Define 'sasaeng': 
  • A 'sasaeng' fan is an extreme K-Pop fan, who viciously stalk and invade the privacy of their idols. 

To put it simply, a ‘sasaeng’ fan is a celebrity’s worst nightmare. In Korea, the ‘sasaeng’ community is made up of young teenage girls. They have dedicated their lives to follow their idols around, everywhere. There have also been incidents of the fans breaking into the dorms of the stars. Inside, they take pictures of the sleeping idols, satisfied that they have reached such a close proximity with the stars.

(Left) A huge crowd of sasaeng fans watch as JYJ member - Kim Junsu, eats in a restaurant. (Right) A sasaeng's photo of a sleeping JYJ member - Kim Jaejoong. (source: Nate)

In Singapore, the fans are not as extreme, thankfully.

“Some Singaporean fans book a room in the same hotel as the stars and book a van to follow them wherever they go. It’s scary but it’s nothing compared to what ‘sasaeng’ fans do,” Faiz Suhairi, 19, a K-Pop fan says.

This unhealthy obsession with a celebrity has affected many lives. Many of these fans have dropped out from school and are shunned by their families. They are blinded by the thrill of following a star and are unaware that this obsession may just be a temporary phase in their lives.

While it’s okay to have a liking for a celebrity, there has to be a limit.  Unhealthy obsession should be avoided, seeing what it could do one’s life.

What are some of the stories you have heard extreme fans have done? Share your stories through our chatbox on the left!

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